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About Hunting

All you need to know

Hunting in Namibia

What are the regulations that govern hunting in Namibia

In Namibia, hunting is regulated by the Ministry of Environment & Tourism (MEFT) and has a number of regulations that Moringa Safaris prides itself on following. We always endeavor to create a safe environment for all guests that visit us including the wildlife that is also part of our story.

Hunting professionals should comply with all the Ministry of Environment & Tourism’s (MEFT’s) hunting regulations

  • Hunting may be practiced from half an hour before sunrise, until half an hour after sunset.
  • Hunting may take place only on properties where permission has been granted by the landowner.
  • Properties, where bow hunting is practiced, must be registered additionally with MEFT for bow hunting.

The following is required regarding permits for hunting:

  • Permits must be issued prior to the hunt commencing;
  • A separate permit must be issued for each individual hunting client;
  • An extra, special permit is required for large cats (leopard, cheetah, lion).
  • It contains an additional list of conditions;
  • A permit must be completed in full by the hunting client and the hunting professional (wounded or lost animals must also be indicated on the permit);
  • Permits are issued by the MEFT only; and
  • A maximum of two trophies per species may be harvested, per hunting client, per permit.
  • All hunting operators must be registered with the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB).
  • Hunting with dogs is not permitted.

Requirements for importing firearms

Refer to the Namibian Professional Hunting Association (NAPHA) website for the required minimum muzzle velocities for firearms for various game species. A maximum of one hundred (100) rounds of ammunition may be imported per hunting rifle. Only ammunition for the specific caliber may be imported. It is legal to hunt with black powder rifles in Namibia. (Refer to this website for the black-powder hunting regulations.). It is illegal to transport black powder and percussion caps. These can be purchased in Namibia. Inquire with your trophy-hunting operator. It is legal to import bows for bow-hunting purposes. No import permit is required.

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